Мемориал Победа 79 // List of the stations // RP79DP

Dom Pavlova. Stalingrad.

Volgogradskaya oblast

QSL via RN4A

Photos and historical info.
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RP78DP — Pavlov's House

In memory of the Soviet fighters during the Battle of Stalingrad heroically held the defense of the legendary House of Pavlov

Pavlov's House - a residential building in which a group of Soviet fighters heroically held the defense during the Battle of Stalingrad for 58 days. This building has become one of the symbols of perseverance, heroism, and military feat.

In September 1942, there were fierce battles on the square of January 9 (today it is called Lenin Square). The main points of defense were two four-story buildings. One of them is the Pavlov House. On September 22, 1942, a company of Sergeant Yakov Pavlov approached the building and secured a foothold in it. Soon — on the third day-reinforcements arrived: a machine-gun platoon under the command of Lieutenant Ivan Afanasyev, who, as the senior officer, led the defense of the house.

The house was adapted for circular defense. Firing points were placed outside the building, and underground passages were made to communicate with them. The approaches to the house were mined with anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. It was thanks to the skillful organization of the defense that the warriors were able to repel the attacks of the enemies for such a long period of time.

There is still no exact data on the number of defenders of the fortress house. It is believed that there were between 24 and 31 of them. The defense of this building is an example of the friendship of the peoples of the Soviet Union. No matter where the fighters came from, from Georgia or Abkhazia, Ukraine or Uzbekistan, here the Tatar fought alongside the Russian and the Jew. In total, among the defenders were representatives of 11 nationalities. All of them were awarded high military awards, and Sergeant Pavlov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

After the war, the house was named after Sergeant Pavlov, who was the first to enter the building with his company.

After the liberation of Stalingrad from the Nazi invaders, the restoration of the destroyed city began. One of the first houses that ordinary citizens restored in their spare time was the legendary Pavlov House.

To date, only the end part of the wall of the house has been preserved. It was on it in 1985 that the inscription with the name of Pavlov was placed.

Amateur RadioClub «Kolos» (RN4A) - is named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov.